SurrealDB Unveils Surrealist 2.0, Surpasses MongoDB in Github Popularity

4th May 2024

London, UK - SurrealDB, a rising star in the database technology world, has released Surrealist 2.0, the latest version of its database management tool. This comes at a time when the company is rapidly gaining recognition, having recently surpassed MongoDB in GitHub stars.

SurrealDB's growth highlights a significant shift in the database landscape. As more organizations look for versatile, multi-modal databases that can handle diverse data types and workloads, SurrealDB's innovative approach is gaining traction. The company's focus on providing a unified platform for various data management needs sets it apart from traditional databases.

Surrealist 2.0 is a major step forward in making database management more accessible and efficient. Key features of this update include:

  • Streamlined Interface: The updated design simplifies managing database connections, organizing tasks, and testing features in a sandbox environment.

  • Enhanced Tools: Users can now manage stored procedures, upload machine learning models, and generate personalized documentation with ease.

  • Real-Time Data Handling: Improvements to the live query feature offer a more user-friendly way to receive real-time data updates.

  • Quick Navigation: A new Command Palette allows users to quickly perform actions and navigate menus using keyboard shortcuts.

Julian Mills from SurrealDB commented, "Our goal with Surrealist 2.0 was to create a tool that not only meets the needs of today's database users but also anticipates the future demands of multi-modal data management."

In addition to this release, SurrealDB is set to launch Surreal Cloud later this quarter. This new service will enable users to run SurrealDB in the cloud, eliminating the need for managing physical infrastructure. The cloud launch is expected to further accelerate SurrealDB's adoption by simplifying database management and making it more accessible to a broader audience.

SurrealDB’s rapid rise is reflected in its growing community. The company has recently surpassed MongoDB in GitHub stars, indicating a strong and active user base. This milestone underscores the increasing popularity of SurrealDB as a preferred solution for modern data management needs.

Surrealist 2.0 is available as both a web application and a desktop application. Users can explore its features at, making it easy to get started without any local installations.

For more information on Surrealist 2.0 and the upcoming Surreal Cloud, visit the SurrealDB website.

Disclosure Statement

Light Square has no conflict of interest affiliations with SurrealDB.